Thursday 26 June 2014

Day 6 - on our way to the end of the Track!

We made it! We have officially finished the Oodnadatta track, but before I get to that I will fill you in on what else happened today

Last night we sat around the fire with our new travelling companions, it was a chilly night, so cold that this morning I had to peel a frozen tea towel off the kitchen! With sunrise approaching Matt & I sat and watched the most beautiful sunrise with cup of tea in hand ( yes Mum you read correctly I am drinking tea), we were literally in the middle of no where the real Aussie outback & it was so quiet.

We started our little convoy with Linda in the lead off to Oodnadatta to see the iconic Pink Roadhouse and wow was it pink! Stopping for a quick morning tea & for Chloe to buy the perfect present a pink fluffy stubby holder, see below we were off into the never never.

The next 80 odd kilometres was a very very dusty drive. In fact at some points we had to almost stop to let the dust clear so we could continue. I had one last thing to tick off my list of must sees on the track & today I finally got to see it, as we were passing through a cattle station I saw the cattle runs full of cattle. Amazing sight.

Tonight we have finally been able to have showers & flushing toilets, it's wonderful. Cars & trailers are all full of red dust, which is just the way Matt wants it. We are now sitting behind the Marla Roadhouse enjoying some cold drinks with our camps all set up.

Tomorrow we head to Alice Springs for the next leg of the journey & to start meeting up with the other travellers from other states. One adventure finished another on starting 

Today's blog is written by Di


  1. Great updates Smudge and Crew. Following with interests. Loved the "duck tape" story, it's a quacker !!

    Gusset and fam

  2. Enjoy the flushing toilets while you can! Chlo Chlo, can you sprint back and get me a pink fluffy stubby holder please? Another cup of tea Di?
