Thursday 17 July 2014

Day 26 - Broken Hill & a little sunshine

This morning we awoke to no rain but some very wet tents. With the prospect of where we were heading having no rain we were quite keen to get moving.

Driving towards Broken Hill with no rain gave us a good chance to see what the country side around us was like. I said it looked like a Hobbits Village, so green with the most beautiful rolling hills. The greenest land we had seen for the previous 3 weeks.

Once we left the green fields we started to drive along flat boring landscape. We sighted some Emus & a couple of Wedge Tailed Eagles and lots and lots of goats. Having decided to avoid staying at the city camping grounds we drove straight through to Silverton and are staying at the camp ground called Penrose Park & strange mixture of camping sites and day spots but again we have space and can have open fires. We are loving the flexibility & space you can get by staying at these little out of the way camp spots. 

Tomorrow we are off to explore Silverton & Broken Hill.

Today's blog was written by Di

1 comment:

  1. Jane said that she cannot believe that Di is so cool about scorpions and red backs. Might need to chuck in a couple of tiger snakes to get a reaction!
